Time-Lapse Time Stamp & Coordinate Read-out


Again loving AstroPrint and my printer is connected to it 100% of the time.

Two suggestions for features:

  1. Adding a time-stamp or other text to the time-lapse photos and videos. User editable with variables would be great.
  2. On the printer control page, have the current coordinates displayed.

Thanks again and keep up the good work guys.

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Thanks @Jonathan_MacIntyre! :blush:

Adding a time-stamp or other text to the time-lapse photos and videos. User editable with variables would be great.

What kind of variables are you thinking about? I assume you are talking about a feature similar to custom date formats? Like: %d-%m-%y-%t

On the printer control page, have the current coordinates displayed.

Can you elaborate? You want real time coordinates of X, Y, Z while your printer is printing? Why?

Thanks for the suggestions!

For the variables I was thinking things like layer number, percentage complete, date, current time, time eclipse, filename, etc. That way someone could arrange it the way they like. I would keep the AstroPrint logo of course.

For the coordinates I am thinking when you are manually controlling the printer while not printing. I just had an issue where I wanted to know the height of a print that failed. I moved my print head to be just touching the print and had to read the coordinates off of my printers LCD. But not all printers have an LCD readout.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the clarification! :slight_smile: