Trying to setup a new raspberry pi but screen all white

Hello, l am trying to setup a new raspberry pi but the screen is coming up white.
l am using l think the waveshare35a, l have placed the required files into the .astrobox folder
with all 3 files. license, lid and the ASTROBOX-CONFIG.CONF file.

Also I have connected the screen onto my other astrobox and confirmed it is working.

Also are support still looking at support tickets as l sent one about 14 days ago but haven’t had a response?

Try to ssh or terminal into the box with a monitor {function - f6} should show a terminal on the monitor you have plugged into.

username: pi passwd: raspberry

passwd [change passw]
sudo raspi-config

Navigate to and = expand filesystem
Tab out of that screen when done.

sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd LCD-show/

dont forget the ./ in the above command.

and then finally…

sudo /etc/astrobox/initial-scripts/10-configure-screen
sudo reboot

Hope that helps :slight_smile: