Uh Oh...new projects folders prevents printing new design?

Went through and created a few Projects…
Moved some of my Design files to the new Projects.

Now however when I upload a new Design…I get taken to the Slicer page, I can slice my design, and
and returned to the File Manager…I can see my Active Slice but I can’t print from the Active area. This I think has always been the case however the new Slice is not added to the Design list where I can choose it for printing (or add it to a project.)

and if I clear active slices it seems to just go poof and disappear requiring that I re-upload and reslice.

I haven’t tried printing from the Slice Page yet…that is next on my list.

Follow Up: Choosing Print from the Slice page does in fact send the file to the Printer but it never seems to get put into the File Manager…not sure if that is the intended idea or not but as of now I can’t add new Designs to the File Manger for later printing or inclusion into a Project…


This appears to affect print files created from designs in folders. We’re looking into this and we will fix it very soon. In the meantime you can refresh the files page after slicing is completed and the print file should be there.


Refresh doesn’t seem to do it…all my newer design uploads and slices seem to be missing…even logged out and back in still not showing…

Cloud Slicer seems to be hung at the moment so I can’t test any fresh uploads.

Slicer is back uploaded a design sliced it…shows as active slice in file manger. Refreshed page, design is now gone.

I can’t see this behavior but I’ll let you know when I’m doing fixing the bugs I do see and we check again for this. This bugs might be related

@Darren_DeVecchio please try again now. We have fixed some bugs with designs slices from folders

Previous vanishing designs stayed gone…hopefully they didn’t go somewhere bad.

Adding new designs and slicing now seems to work as expected…Yeah…

So all is well…see my other comments about how to slightly improve the new projects system…
I know…a developers work is never done, someone always wants one more thing…:slight_smile:

Thanks for getting this great new feature working…


Thanks @Darren_DeVecchio.

Appreciate you helping us beta test this! The public does not know about it yet, so you are literally helping thousands of people! :wink:

I am going to do an official write up and announce it in a few days!

Thanks again!