I am using a RPi with Octoprint v1.3.10 and the Astroprint Plugin v1.2.2.
When using the Astoprint Adroid app, I am unable to move the printer (ie home, raise/lower z, set temps) when I am on the same network as the printer. As soon as I disconnect from WiFi and just use a cellular network I am able to set temps.
If I try to access the octoprint URL by going to Printers>>“Printer Name”>>Info>>WebView, it works fine for one printer, taking me to the correct octoprint ip address. However the second printer will take me to “octoprint_ip”:5000, which does not work.
Also, if I go to Print Hisorty>>Activity and look at the Filament Used graph. The bar graph will show the correct amount of filament, however the total at the bottom will be of by a factor of 10. For example, the graph shows I used 9kg grams over the last 6 weeks, however the total at the bottom will show either 0.9kg or 90kg.