Upload from slicer directly?

I’m using the AB Touch software on my Pi and after unlocking SSH I was able to get Simplify3D to upload files directly to the /AstroBoxFiles/Uploads folder whenever I export the gcode. However this has recently stopped working properly (I believe the Uploads directory doesn’t get scanned until you upload something from the GUI so new files don’t appear).

I know it was a workaround and not supported so I’m not asking for help with that, however is there a possibility that something like this could become a feature? Like an API in the software (rather than the cloud) that enables direct transfers from the slicer? It was so nice when it worked, just hit “export”, walk to the printer/AB, touch print, internal, filename and print away! Either that or just monitor the Uploads directory for changes??

Thanks for the awesome software

edit : I just thought of another way this might work, albeit a little trickier - if I share a directory on my Windows box and mount it on the Pi using Samba/CIFS in place of /AstroBoxFiles/Uploads is there any way to make the software pick up new files immediately? Like a forced rescan of the Internal files?

Like you said, this isn’t supported but If it was working and it stopped we might have inadvertently removed it. I wasn’t intentional. Do you remember when this stopped working (which version was the last one that worked?)

In any case, we’re planning a feature by which we will listen to a folder in your PC ( when the AstroPrint Desktop App is installed ) and upload gcode files to your cloud account. Once there you can print from the touch or the cloud itself.


It would’ve been within the last few months, but I don’t know a version number where it stopped. I verified that the new files still appear in the Uploads folder after the SCP and they appear if I upload something else to that folder through the GUI, so it’s just that it’s not rescanning even if I switch between Internal/Cloud/External.

I like the idea of the Desktop app monitoring a folder though, then you could just go to “cloud” on the Touch to see the list. Thanks!

Tested again and it DOES still seem to be working, but the files appear randomly in the “internal” screen (there’s no sort order) and it doesn’t have the Layer count when printing, only the estimated time left.

They’re sorted by last printed ( in case you’d like to re-print ). It’s possible that the analyzer didn’t finish or it couldn’t figure out the layers. After first print, it should update that.

How about using “curl” to get the gcode imported directly to the Astrobox. I use Repetier and Astrobox (x3g printer) for my printers and with Repetier, (and octoprint) there’s a code (which uses curl) which you paste into the simplify3d interface. As soon as you slice and export the gcode, the file syncs with the print server almost instantly. Pretty neat feature. But you’ll need to have curl installed.

How bout Astrobox does this as well


Since AstroBox/Touch added the ability to accept “Print with Octoprint” requests from Cura this isn’t a problem anymore. Instant transfers, and the file is stored on the Pi so you can reprint easily.

I could never get octoprint to work seemlessly though. It was a bit too unpredictable for me hence the option to go with Repetier and Astrobox.

What options do we have if we choose to use astrobox standalone and not as an octoprint plugin

I’m not using OctoPrint at all, I’m using a standalone AstroBox Touch (actually just the software, it’s a regular Pi 3). There is an option in Astro to enable “print with octoprint” in the settings, then in your Cura Printers menu you click “Connect OctoPrint” and point it at your Astrobox. Once that’s done, you can send directly from Cura to Astro with no inbetween steps. For me it’s just 2 clicks - Prepare, then Print with OctoPrint.

Aaah ok… I wonder how that could work with Simplify3D. I’ll check if the CURL code for octoprint works. That’s probably how cura does it

I don’t use Cura at all

Oh gosh!!!



P.S Give me a shout if you need this

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If got this configured but no success:

curl -k -H “X-Api-Key:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” -F “select=true” -F “print=false” -F “file=@[output_filepath]” “http://YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY/AstroBoxFiles/uploads

Where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the API Key from AstroBox and YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY is the IP from the AstroBox Raspberry

I have SSH configured…could it be that i need to use HTTPS instead?

Any hint appreciated :slight_smile: