I am using the latest AstroPi image (0.10.1) hosted on a Raspberry Pi 2 B, connected to a Vellerman K8200 3D printer (Marlin firmware). I use a Chrome browser to access the AstroPi. The video is provided by the RaspiCam. I find that when printing via the AstroPi the video feed freezes after 9 minutes (9min 9 second actually). I can restore the video feed if I refresh the browser page I then get another 9 mins of video.
I have tried Firefox but I get the same problem.
Any ideas as to why the video only works for this 9 min period?
The log file shows the following (IP address redacted):-
2016-11-11 12:03:54,301 - octoprint.server.util - INFO - New connection from client [IP address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, Session id: uu7w0p_n]
2016-11-11 12:14:08,217 - octoprint.server.util - INFO - Client connection closed [Session id: uu7w0p_n]
2016-11-11 12:14:08,223 - astroprint.webrtc - INFO - There are 0 peers left.