View Print-Time Estimate Before Printing

Hi there!

It would be wonderful to be able to see the estimated print time of Print Files before committing to printing them. In my mind, the logical place for this would be in the “Print File” dropdown information underneath individual models in the file manager.



Jason –

Thanks for the request.


Although, when people 2D Print (i.e: documents etc…) – AFAIK, there is no “estimated print time” BEFORE the print starts.

I presume you are interested in this feature because it can take a LONG time to 3D Print stuff…?

In either case, the print time estimate mechanics are still spotty (not just at AstroPrint, but across most software), so it will be a while till we can estimate a time BEFORE the file is ever printed or sliced.

Thanks for the reply.

The parallel I have seen and that I assumed was somewhat commonplace is in Cura for OSX. When you load a STL file in Cura, you can see an estimated print time at the bottom of the main window. The estimated time/duration is updated every time you make a change to the STL or print settings. I was hoping that getting these same estimates from the slicing engines AstroPrint uses might be a reasonably straight-forward feature addition.

On the accuracy of the estimates… I have not done any sort of careful analysis. In my limited experience, the estimates definitely are in the ballpark - which is at least enough to help with rough planning for machine usage among multiple users or with respect to other time constraints.

Is duration something that your Cura slicing engine is maybe already generating?


By Duration — I assume you mean Time ELAPSED?

If so, yes – that shouldn’t be a problem. Right now AstroPrint only shows “Time REMAINING”, we can certainly discuss adding in a “Time ELAPSED” counter.

As for estimating print time way before a file is sliced etc… I am not too sure about that :neutral_face:

Haha… we’ll get to the bottom of this eventually :slightly_smiling:

So, the ‘estimated print duration’ I am referring to is the one seen in Cura for OSX here:

Is that clearer? Hopefully I am not missing anything too obvious in forming this question. Thanks!

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Much clearer! Thanks :slightly_smiling:

Great! So, is this something that potentially could be pulled from your slicing engine? These estimates are invaluable for planning order of prints, printer usage among multiple users, etc.


Potentially — YES :slightly_smiling:

By the way – once you slice a file, you can see an estimate of the time it would take to print a file by going into the File Manager (Take a look at Print Time:).

I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Wait… It’s already there!! Wow… Can’t believe I missed that… The easiest “new” feature you’ve had to add in a while I bet :wink:

So, now I am confused… what were you saying “Potentially - YES” to - if the feature is already there?



Ignore that ==> P̶o̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶-̶-̶-̶ ̶Y̶E̶S̶

I thought you wanted the Print Time somewhere else.

Yes, indeed. This is the easiest new feature we’ve added :sweat_smile:

:sweat_smile: Great! Thanks for your help.