Webapp for mobile devices?

I saw that native apps are in the roadmap, but what about a webapp until then? All that’s needed to make it pretty for at least iOS, is a startup picture/animation and an icon. Then you would be able to click “Add to Home-screen” and have the Astroprint website as an app. It feels 90% there, because when you’re logged in, you go straight to the dashboard anyways, so why not make it even cleaner for phones/tabets?

The bottom part with forum/follow/support etc. could be removed. The logo should also be smaller, so that “Dashboard” and “Astroprint” could be at the same line.
Something like this:

Maybe it could also “auto-click” the camera button upon load, so there’s always an image there when choosing the device under “Monitor”, as long as a camera is connected.


Haha. Sounds like you are looking into your crystal ball and slowly predicting AstroPrint’s future :smile:

Yes, this is also in the plans. It’s tricky business to manage your time and resources when you are a small team, so when the timing is correct (can’t give an estimate unfortunately), you should see a mobile app with push notifications etc…

@Daniel is in a cave in Spain hacking away at his keyboard as we speak, engineering the next generation of 3D Printing software…He’s got a TO-DO list on a post it note with “Mobile App” written somewhere in that cave :smile:

P.S: By the way, if you are so inclined on adding AstroPrint to your home screen, you can certainly do that with a shortcut. That would be the ‘duct tape’ solution until a proper app is out!


This works for me, can be done in seconds. http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/152556/can-you-place-a-shortcut-or-a-link-to-a-website-in-the-dock-in-osx

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Sounds great :slightly_smiling:
But to start with, a compatible icon could be added to your website, which is fairly simple. That would make it look much nicer on the home screen.
The same goes for fullscreen, so that the URL-bar is gone.

If you have the icon and startup-image ready, the actual coding could be done in a matter of minutes.