AstroBox With Lulzbot Taz 5 [SOLVED]

I just received my AstroBox, but no matter what I do I cannot get it to connect to my Taz5. It restarts the printer and the LCD recycles, but I cannot connect at any of the baud rates. I know the Taz5 has firmware that is a bit different from the Taz4 because of the Hexagon hot end. Could this be the reason? I’m not sure what to do from here? I am able to connect to the internet but I cannot connect to the printer.

This problem should have been fixed in version 0.7(1). What version are you running? You can check that in the settings app -> software update

Yes. I ran the update.

Do you still have the problem? If so can you start A ticket at so we can look at this further?

Hi. Thought I’d chime in here as well, as I also have a TAZ 5 printer and am experiencing the same problems as you describe. The firmware I’m running is v0.7(2).

Daniel suggested to me that I put a connection time-out of 5 seconds in the /etc/astrobox/config.yaml

I did that, as directed, but am still experiencing the same problems. I had not given any thought to the differences in firmware between the TAZ 4 and TAZ 5.

Anyways, I hope Daniel can figure it out, as I absolutely LOVE this solution for my 3D printer. Can’t wait to be able to use it…

I spent the weekend playing with the Astrobox on the Taz 5 after I finally got it connected by updating the firmware and changing the baud to115200. Also I added a Logitech C920 camera and this works great for high resolution time lapse videos and to monitor progress of a print on Astroprint. In addition to a great way to monitor your prints, the control interface is awesome. I ended up leveling my bed using my cell phone to move the extruder…very cool.

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