Not sure but I think this is just a perspective issue when dealing with moving bed platforms…
I know way back when I started using a CNC mill everything seemed backward but the reason for that
was perspective…while the bed moves one way the location of the head moves relatively the other way.
manual controls change the position of the head as if the bed was stationary and the head was moving…
Generally in the CNC world this does not change no matter the design of the tool…this keeps things
consistent but sometimes it seems counter intuitive especially at first. You will probably notice on the machine
that the other axis moves as you expect but on that axis the head moves and the bed does not but the motion with respect to the print is the same so +x should increase X and +y should increase Y… If you close your eyes and do not actually look at the motion of the machine but rather visualize where you on the work piece you want to go then it kinda makes sense.
of course it could be that your steppers are running backward…or of course I could be mixed up and it is a bug in the application…since my printer is a delta there is basically not common sense in how it moves, everything requires warping your brain around the mechanics…