Lulzbot Taz Pro - working printer profile, incl. START and END gcode

I recently bought a Taz Pro and wanted it to work natively with my Astroprint/Astrobox, so I created and tested the following starting and ending gcode. It works great in Astroprint, and follows the same warmup steps that Cura takes, wiping both nozzles, probing the bed, and purging material. The only difference is that T1 (second extruder) is hardcoded to heat up to 220 degrees for purging support material, because Astroprint only supports using T1 for support material at the moment, and 220 is a good temp to soften and purge anything from PollyDissolve to PLA, PETG and ABS. When creating a Taz Pro “printer profile” in AstroPrint, use the following additional settings:

Name: Taz Pro
Bed Shape: Rectangle
Bed Center is Zero: OFF
Heated Bed: ON
Print File Format: GCode
Slicing Engine: 15.04
G-Code Flavor: RepRap (Marlin, Sprinter, Repetier)
No. Of Extruders: 2
Nozzle 1 Diameter: 0.5mm
Nozzle 2 Diameter: 0.5mm
Filament Diameter: 2.85mm


 ;LulzBot TAZ PRO 3D Printer (Cura 15.04 Slicing Engine)
;Basic slice data:
;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Layer height: {layer_height}
;Walls: {wall_thickness}
;Fill: {fill_density}

M117 Starting Up...
M73 P0                                    ; clear GLCD progress bar
M75                                       ; start GLCD timer
M107                                      ; disable fans
G90                                       ; absolute positioning
M420 S0                                   ; disable previous leveling matrix

M140 S{print_bed_temperature}             ; get bed heated up
G28                                       ; home

T0                                        ; select this extruder first
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero
M104 S170 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 to wipe temp
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders

T1                                        ; switch extruders
M104 S170 T1                              ; MANUALLY set T1 to wipe temp
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero

M117 Warming (Preparing to Wipe)...       ; LCD status message
M106                                      ; turn on fans to speed cooling
T0                                        ; select first extruder for probing
G1 X-16.5 Y100 F2000                      ; move above wiper pad
M109 R170 T0                              ; wait for T0 to reach temp
M109 R170 T1                              ; wait for T1 to reach temp
M107                                      ; turn off fan

M117 Wiping T0 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.0                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X -16.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders
T1                                        ; switch to second extruder
G1 X296.5 Y100  F5000                     ; move E2 above second wiper pad

M117 Wiping T1 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.0                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X 296.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X247 F1000                             ; move over to switch extruders

M117 Cooling to Probe...                  ; LCD status message
M104 S170 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 extruder temp - 170
M104 S170 T1                              ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp - 170 
M109 R170 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 extruder temp and wait - 170

M117 Probing Bed...
T0                                        ; switch to first extruder
M204 S100                                 ; set accel for probing
M117 Auto Leveling...
M420 S1

M117 Heating Up to Purge...               ; LCD status message
M204 S500                                 ; set accel back to normal
M104 S{print_temperature}  T0             ; set T0 extruder temp
M104 S220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp

G1 X100 Y-29 Z0.5 F3000                   ; move to open space

M117 Purging T0 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R{print_temperature}  T0             ; set T0 extruder temp and wait
T0                                        ; select this extruder first
G1 E0 F100		    	          ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-3 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.45                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X100 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan
G4 S7                                     ; wait 7 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G1 X180 Y-29 Z0.45 F3000                  ; move to open space

; Change the following manually set T1 temp to {print_temperature2} if using material in T1 other than PollyMaker PollyDissolve

M117 Purging T1 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp and wait
T1                                        ; set extruder
G1 E0 F100                                ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-4 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.35                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X180 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament

; Getting ready to print
T0                                        : set extruder
G1 Z2 E0 F75                              ; raise head and 0 extruder
M82                                       ; set to absolute mode
M400                                      ; clear buffer

M117 and We're Printing...                ; LCD status message

END GCode:

M190 S0                        ; MANUALLY set bed to cool off
M104 S0 T0                     ; T0 hotend off
M104 S0 T1                     ; T1 hotend off
M107                           ; fans off
G91                            ; relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z20 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F2000     ; move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 1
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 2

M117 Cooling please wait...    ; progress indicator message
G90                            ; absolute positioning
G1 Y0 F3000                    ; move to cooling position
G4 S5                          ; wait 20 seconds

G1 Y280 F3000                  ; present finished print
M77                            ; stop GLCD timer
M18 X Y E		       ; turn off x y and e axis
G90                            ; absolute positioning
M117 Print Complete!           ; progress indicator message

Here’s the (DRAFT) Cura 3.6.0 Slicing Engine START code:

;LulzBot TAZ PRO 3D Printer (Cura 3.6.0 Slicing Engine)
;Basic slice data:
;Layer height: {layer_height}
;Walls: {wall_thickness}
;Fill: {infill_sparse_density}
;Nozzle Size: {machine_nozzle_size}
;Machine Extruder Count: {machine_extruder_count}
;Material Diameter: {material_diameter}

M117 Starting Up...
M73 P0                                    ; clear GLCD progress bar
M75                                       ; start GLCD timer
M107                                      ; disable fans
G90                                       ; absolute positioning
M420 S0                                   ; disable previous leveling matrix

M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}  ; get bed heated up
G28                                       ; home

T0                                        ; select this extruder first
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero
M104 S{material_print_temperature} T0                              ; set T0 to wipe temp
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders

T1                                        ; switch extruders
M104 S170 T1                              ; MANUALLY set T1 to wipe temp - 170
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero

M117 Warming (Preparing to Wipe)...       ; LCD status message
M106                                      ; turn on fans to speed cooling
T0                                        ; select first extruder for probing
G1 X-16.5 Y100 F2000                      ; move above wiper pad
M109 R170 T0                              ; wait for T0 to reach temp
M109 R170 T1                              ; wait for T1 to reach temp
M107                                      ; turn off fan

M117 Wiping T0 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.0                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X -16.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders
T1                                        ; switch to second extruder
G1 X296.5 Y100  F5000                     ; move E2 above second wiper pad

M117 Wiping T1 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.0                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X 296.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X247 F1000                             ; move over to switch extruders

M117 Cooling to Probe...                  ; LCD status message
M104 S{material_standby_temperature} T0   ; set T0 extruder to standy temp 
M104 S{material_standby_temperature} T1   ; set T1 extruder to standby temp
M109 R{material_standby_temperature} T0   ; set T0 extruder to standby temp and wait

M117 Probing Bed...
T0                                        ; switch to first extruder
M204 S100                                 ; set accel for probing
M117 Auto Leveling...
M420 S1

M117 Heating Up to Purge...               ; LCD status message
M204 S500                                 ; set accel back to normal
M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0}  T0     ; set T0 extruder temp
M104 S220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp - 220

G1 X100 Y-29 Z0.5 F3000                   ; move to open space

M117 Purging T0 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R{material_print_temperature_layer_0}  T0      ; set T0 extruder temp and wait
T0                                        ; select this extruder first
G1 E0 F100		    	                  ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-3 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.45                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X100 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan
G4 S7                                     ; wait 7 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G1 X180 Y-29 Z0.45 F3000                  ; move to open space

M117 Purging T1 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp and wait - 220
T1                                        ; set extruder
G1 E0 F100                                ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-4 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.35                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X180 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament

; Getting ready to print
T0                                        : set extruder
M190 R{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}  ; get bed temping up during first layer
G1 Z2 E0 F75                              ; raise head and 0 extruder
M82                                       ; set to absolute mode
M400                                      ; clear buffer

M117 and We're Printing...                ; LCD status message

And the (DRAFT) Cura 3.6.0 slicing engine END code:

M190 S0                        ; MANUALLY set bed to cool off
M104 S0 T0                     ; T0 hotend off
M104 S0 T1                     ; T1 hotend off
M107                           ; fans off
G91                            ; relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z20 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F2000     ; move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 1
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 2

M117 Cooling please wait...    ; progress indicator message
G90                            ; absolute positioning
G1 Y0 F3000                    ; move to cooling position
G4 S5                          ; wait 20 seconds

G1 Y280 F3000                  ; present finished print
M77                            ; stop GLCD timer
M18 X Y E		       ; turn off x y and e axis
G90                            ; absolute positioning
M117 Print Complete!           ; progress indicator message

Thanks for this @Seth_Kaplan,

We have added a built-in profile for the Taz Pro based on these settings.

Made some enhancements to the previous start and end gcode. For Cura 15.04 slicing engine in AstroPrint, use the following:

;LulzBot TAZ PRO 3D Printer (Cura 15.04 Slicing Engine)
;Basic slice data:
;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Layer height: {layer_height}
;Walls: {wall_thickness}
;Fill: {fill_density}

M117 Starting Up...
M73 P0                                    ; clear GLCD progress bar
M75                                       ; start GLCD timer
M107                                      ; disable fans
G90                                       ; absolute positioning
M420 S0                                   ; disable previous leveling matrix

M140 S{print_bed_temperature}             ; get bed heated up
G28                                       ; home

T0                                        ; select this extruder first
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero
M104 S170 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 to wipe temp
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders

T1                                        ; switch extruders
M104 S170 T1                              ; MANUALLY set T1 to wipe temp
M82                                       ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0                                    ; set extruder to zero

M117 Warming (Preparing to Wipe)...       ; LCD status message
M106                                      ; turn on fans to speed cooling
T0                                        ; select first extruder for probing
G1 X-16.5 Y100 F2000                      ; move above wiper pad
M109 R170 T0                              ; wait for T0 to reach temp
M109 R170 T1                              ; wait for T1 to reach temp
M107                                      ; turn off fan

M117 Wiping T0 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.2                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X -16.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -14.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y46 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -15.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -17.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X -16.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X50 F1000                              ; move over to switch extruders
T1                                        ; switch to second extruder
G1 X296.5 Y100  F5000                     ; move E2 above second wiper pad

M117 Wiping T1 Nozzle...
G1 Z 1.2                                  ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X 296.5 Y100 F1000                     ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y90 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y86 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y80 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y74 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y70 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y68 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 298 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y46 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 295 Y60 F1000                        ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y60 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y42 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y40 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y38 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y36 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 295.5 Y34 F2000                      ; fast wipe
G1 X 297.5 Y30 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 F1000                      ; slow wipe
G1 X 296.5 Y19 Z20 F1000                  ; raise extruder
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5                                     ; wait 5 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G0 X247 F1000                             ; move over to switch extruders

M117 Cooling to Probe...                  ; LCD status message
G28                                       ; Auto Home
M104 S160 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 extruder temp - 170
M104 S160 T1                              ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp - 170 
M109 R160 T0                              ; MANUALLY set T0 extruder temp and wait - 170

M117 Probing Bed...
T0                                        ; switch to first extruder
M204 S300                                 ; set accel for probing
G29                                       ; Probe
M117 Auto Leveling...
M420 S1

M117 Heating Up to Purge...               ; LCD status message
M204 S500                                 ; set accel back to normal
M104 S{print_temperature}  T0             ; set T0 extruder temp
M104 S220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp

G1 X100 Y-29 Z0.5 F3000                   ; move to open space

M117 Purging T0 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R{print_temperature}  T0             ; set T0 extruder temp and wait
T0                                        ; select this extruder first
G1 E0 F100		    	          ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-3 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.45                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X100 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament
M106 S255                                 ; turn on fan
G4 S7                                     ; wait 7 seconds
M107                                      ; turn off fan
G1 X180 Y-29 Z0.45 F3000                  ; move to open space

; Change the following manually set T1 temp to {print_temperature2} if using material in T1 other than PollyMaker PollyDissolve

M117 Purging T1 Nozzle...                 ; LCD status message
M109 R220  T1                             ; MANUALLY set T1 extruder temp and wait
T1                                        ; set extruder
G1 E0 F100                                ; undo retraction
G92 E-30                                  ; set extruder negative amount to purge
G1 E0 F100                                ; purge XXmm of filament
G1 E-4 F200                               ; purge retraction
G1 Z0.35                                  ; clear bed (barely)
G1 X180 Y10 F4000                         ; move above bed to shear off filament

; Getting ready to print
T0                                        : set extruder
G1 Z2 E0 F75                              ; raise head and 0 extruder
M82                                       ; set to absolute mode
M400                                      ; clear buffer

M117 Printing!                            ; LCD status message

Use this end code (also for Cura 15.04 slicing engine):

M190 S0                        ; MANUALLY set bed to cool off
M104 S0 T0                     ; T0 hotend off
M104 S0 T1                     ; T1 hotend off
M107                           ; fans off
G91                            ; relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z20 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F2000     ; move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 1
G1 E-1 F300                    ; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 E0                          ; re-prime extruder 2

M117 Cooling please wait...    ; progress indicator message
G90                            ; absolute positioning
G1 Y0 F3000                    ; move to cooling position
G4 S5                          ; wait 20 seconds

G1 Y280 F3000                  ; present finished print
M77                            ; stop GLCD timer
M18 X Y E		       ; turn off x y and e axis
G90                            ; absolute positioning
M117 Print Complete!           ; progress indicator message