Support for M3D?

I’d like to see support for the Micro M3D printer.

If I define it as a new printer is that sufficient?

The M3D is currently not supported but we’re working this support with them.

Hey Daniel, just got a M3D and tried setting it up and im just getting stuck on ‘connecting’. Is this printer supported and if so whats the preferred buad rate

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Negative. M3D is NOT compatible with AstroPrint right now

Currently in the process of talking with the M3D team of possibly integrating AstroPrint…

We also expressed interest in integrating with M3D at CES 2016 in vegas (Talked to the founders)…

What would help us the most would be if M3D users let the M3D Team know about their interest in Integrating with AstroPrint.

Here’s M3D’s contact info/social media:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I have emailed Astroprint and they have talked about integrating their software with M3D, the problem is M3D is nonrespondent and does not seem to want to integrate unless their users demand it. Please email M3D to make this a reality…