Thingiverse scale issue

First off…hats off on the software…it’s awesome. Saved in the custom settings and havn’t needed to use the laptop since. One little snag…when I upload an stl file direct from the thingiverse app the model file is exactly 100 times too big. See attached screenshot. Problem occurs with numerous models…could this be a bug?

File measures as 39.14 x 12.7 x 9mm


Could very well be.

Can you link us to the model?

And you’ve tested this with other models with the same results huh?

Also, what Printer/Bed size?

Thanks! Glad you are enjoying Astroprint! :wink:

Thanks @dilanka…you’re a handy guy at fixing problems.

Here is a link to the last model I printed.

Snow Effector with z probe found on #Thingiverse

It worked fine when I download the file and slicer it myself. For some reason however, when I worked through the thingiverse app and downloaded the file direct it opened as the screenshot.

My printer is a delta type Kossel K250 - I’ve set the print-bed to 140mm diameter and a max print height of 140mm.

Thanks in advance.

@Paul_Geoghegan It’s possible that they saved the item in something else than milimeters. Unfortunately, the STL format does not have any information about the unit the sizes are on. We (and most slicers) assume milimeters which is not always right but the important thing is that the ratios are right so it can be safely resized to fit your bed

In the future we’re going to allow to resize and save a resized item so that you don’t have the answer that dialog every time.

This is very likely the issue.

As long as the RATIO is fine, you should be OK.

Let us know if this works out. :wink:

P.S: I imported the Snow Effector with Z Probe Base and the re-size worked fine.